The Bionutrition Core Laboratory is located in the heart of the Ohio State University campus. With a service-focused goal to meet project objectives, we develop and implement LC-MS/HPLC, spectrophotometric, and biomolecular techniques to quantify biomarkers that help to advance scientific discovery. Our experienced staff is dedicated to providing accurate and quality biochemical analysis for your next project!
Our Staff

Dr. Bruno is a nutrition biochemist and registered dietitian with expertise in the area of dietary approaches to manage inflammation and oxidative distress in cardiometabolic disorders, especially metabolic syndrome and its hepatic manifestation of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Prior to joining the OSU faculty, he earned his doctorate in Human Nutrition from OSU and completed a prestigious post-doctoral training at the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University where he developed a bioanalytical toolbox using mass spectrometry, (U)HPLC, spectrophotometry, and biomolecular techniques to define vitamin E requirements and function. His interdisciplinary research program is focused on: (1) the bioavailability and metabolism of antioxidants and phytochemicals, particularly polyphenols and vitamin E, relative to defining dietary requirements in humans and (2) unraveling the anti-inflammatory mechanisms acting along the gut-liver-vessel axis by which phytochemicals and functional foods improve cardiometabolic health. Dr. Bruno has published >125 peer-reviewed scientific articles and book chapters and has delivered >200 research presentations nationally and internationally for academic and industry audiences. His research has been featured multiple times by the American Society of Nutrition (ASN), he was a recipient of the ASN Mead Johnson Award, and his published work has been recognized by the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements as one of the Top 25 Dietary Supplement Papers published. Dr. Bruno currently serves as Editor-in-Chief for Nutrition Research, and is a member of the editorial boards for for the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, and Antioxidants. See all of Dr. Bruno’s peer-reviewed publications here.

Dr. Cao is a biomolecular nutritionist with expertise relating to the metabolism and function of phytochemicals and the regulatory role of bioactive components identified from Chinese herbs on calcium and vitamin D metabolism. Prior to joining OSU, she earned her doctorate in molecular nutrition from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and completed a post-doctoral training at Purdue University where she collaborated on a randomized controlled trial studying polyphenol intakes on calcium metabolism and bone health in postmenopausal women.
Dr. Cao has an extensive toolbox for conducting bioanalytical assessments using LCMS, HPLC, and spectrophotometric tools. Her current research agenda involves leadership of in-house clinical studies using deuterium-labeled plants to examine the bioavailability of lipophilic phytochemicals and how effective food pairings potentiate their absorption and distribution in humans.